Restorative Yoga for Relaxation and Healing

Stress Relief through Relaxation
Restorative poses, such as supported child’s pose, legs-up-the-wall, and reclining bound angle, are designed to relax the nervous system and reduce stress, fostering deep relaxation and recovery.
Aiding Sleep and Rest
Practicing restorative yoga before bed can improve sleep quality by calming the mind and relaxing the body. This makes it an excellent practice for those dealing with insomnia or stress-induced sleep issues.
Supporting Physical Healing
Gentle, supported poses help the body to release stored tension, promoting healing, especially after intense workouts or physical strain. Props like bolsters and blankets are commonly used to make poses more comfortable.
Emotional Healing
Restorative yoga allows practitioners to pause, process emotions, and let go of negativity. This practice is highly beneficial for mental well-being, providing a space to nurture self-compassion and introspection.